From The Desk Of Mr. Anderson 8/13/13
Hello Everyone:
Let me start by telling you how excited I am for this season! I told the students at the end of camp that in 16 years of being a teacher and another 10 as a marcher, this year's camp was one of, if not THE best camp I have ever been a part of. The students worked really hard and more importantly, brought a willingness to be great! I am very thankful to be their teacher!
I am writing this to you, their parents/guardians, because I am asking you for your help in making this an incredible season as well. Over the years, the number of parents willing to help in tasks that make this band work has been dwindling. I have never come forward like this before but we are in desperate need like never before. There is a small number of parents doing all of the work to keep us afloat and they are burning out/having students graduate. Just like all of us, these folks have full time jobs and are raising and supporting families of their own. We are only as strong as the student AND parent involvement. Below are a list of jobs we need filled. Please do not feel that if you volunteer that you have to do EVERYTHING. We have 93 students in the high school program alone and if each parent took one thing on one day, no one would have to repeat a job. I know that this is not realistic but we need more help than what we are getting at this point. I have received a few messages this summer from some of you that want to get involved and I have noted it and thank you. I just thought that it would help if everyone saw the exact needs we have. Please email me and let me know what you would consider helping with and I can point you in the right direction.
Last, please take a moment to review the football concession stand policy below. Every family (or family representative) must work one game this season to avoid the $50 camp fee. Details are below. I apologize for the length of this email. I know I hate reading messages this long!
As always, I thank you for your continued support and hope to see you all at various games and competitions this fall and concerts throughout the year! Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Troy Anderson
Director Of Bands
Kelloggsville Public Schools
Sewing of uniforms (we have one parent that is doing this and could use another 1 or 2 for marching and concert uniforms)
Handing out uniforms at games, competitions and concerts
Pit parents for the games/competitions (helping the students move sideline equipment)
Crossing Guards at the football games to help us get across Division at the games
Trailer Haulers (back ups for our 2 for Monday nights/games/competitions) +for future
Helping sort fundraisers during the school year
Help opening and/or closing concession stands